JAX is my youngest grandson – 9 months old! His mom and dad took an early 5-year wedding anniversary trip to Boston. My hubby (a.k.a. grandpa) and I were gifted sweet Jax for the weekend!
Some highlights of our weekend…
Headed to his big cousin, Kendall’s,
4th B-day party!!

Jax and I getting yoga in…

Chillin at the lake…
(…holding Jax while he enjoys his morning bottle)

Jax’s mommy and daddy picked him up today!

Fun, busy, tiring…night, night!
3 things learned from my weekend with a baby:
*baby-love is life-giving (soak it in!)
*flexibility (let go of strict routines and fit in what’s important when baby naps, etc. It runs smoother if you go by “baby’s time”)
*rest when you can!! (babies are blessing-bundles and “bundles” of work)
Which are good lessons for EVERY day …soak in love, be flexible getting the important things done & rest when you can!
What life-lessons have you learned from being around babies?