Heal Yourself is a documentary well-worth “1” hour of your time!

My “take-aways” from the film:
*eat foods that come straight from nature & your body will heal itself
*emotional distress always precedes disease
*homeostasis (body & mind come back into balance naturally) …to allow this to happen we must spend time getting quiet throughout the day…all your answers are within – not outside of you
*meditate 10 to 20 minutes once or twice a day (could be as simple as a walk in the forest & listening to the sounds) so that homeostasis (balance) comes more easily throughout the day
*increase your positive vibration simply/easily…think of 1 thing that gives you joy & deep fulfillment (hold that thought/picture for 30 seconds), think about a 2nd thing that brings joy & deep fulfillment (hold that thought/picture for 30 seconds), now think of a 3rd thing and again hold the thought/picture for 30 seconds. In 1 ½ minutes you will have moved up significantly to be able to tell the difference. Simple/beautiful/easy…
*surround yourself with people who understand…reach out…find people who have what you want…emulate them…learn from them
*Love: being alive! Find it in every situation…massage, human touch, a smile, a face, a kind word, etc. Look for it…notice it…embrace it!
“You Can’t Purchase a Cure but, You Can Earn Your Health”
Why Not Begin Today?